Desert Moon VST

Desert Moon VST | 71-537 Hwy. 111, Rancho Mirage, CA Suite E | 760-832-0105

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Hello and welcome! My name is Michelle and I am a Vibrational Sound Association Level 4 certified and licensed Vibrational Sound Therapy (VST) practitioner. I am happy to create an experience of deep relaxation for you using vibrational sound therapy.  It is during the relaxed sleep states where your body activates its own natural healing abilities and your mind activates creative thought and imagery, intuitive guidance and inner awareness. 

Sound therapy uses the vibrational energy of sound to activate body-mind healing and is commonly referred to as sound healing. Sound healing is a universal term which also includes the unique experiences of vibrational sound therapy, or VST.

There is a growing list of the benefits of VST recognized and studied by science, and the medical field is beginning to more openly consider the value of VST and its healing effects on recovery, lowering blood pressure, and pain management. And although there are many physical, mental, and spiritual benefits reported by clients, vibrational sound therapy is used for:

  • Quickly introducing deep relaxation and meditative states
  • Reducing depression and sleep issues
  • Easing blockages and tension
  • Brain Entrainment
  • Reducing stress
  • Raising focus, and gaining a clear mind
  • Calming the mind, body, and spirit in conjunction
  • Boosting Creativity

Singing bowl therapy is one of — if not the — most popular sound healing methods because of its effective and various aspects of healing. From lowered blood pressure to relief from anxiety to the opening of the pineal gland… Singing bowls are also one of the rare healing instruments that are used for various types of pain. It is a method well worth considering if you are interested in sound therapy.” (Article, “Everything You Need To Know About Sound Healing”

Vibration and sound are ever-present in our daily lives, and whether we are conscious of it, sound is affecting us all the time. It is through sound healing, when our minds become acutely tuned to tones or combinations of tones, that our conscious brain state can be calmed more quickly and efficiently than with meditation alone. During a VST session immediate and deep relaxation can be achieved, which is often beyond our reach in our stressful modern lives.

(Contact me to book your session. Click here for VST sessions & prices.)

As your VST Practitioner I’ve been trained in a variety of effective vibrational sound therapy techniques using therapeutic singing bowls chosen for their enhanced vibration and sound. By placing and playing these bowls on or around your body these techniques will move you into a state of profound relaxation. The vibrational energy of the bowls facilitates the deep alpha, theta, and delta states of rest which activate your body’s own healing abilities and higher states of consciousness.

My therapeutic singing bowls were carefully chosen for their vibration, sound andIMG_9702 resonance. Each bowl is specifically designed for directing the bowl’s vibration into your body along with a soothing sound and pace for a relaxing, effective experience. It’s hard to deny the natural power of the sound produced by these beautiful instruments and you will fully appreciate the effect of their sound quality and powerful vibrations during your session.

The variety of sound therapy tools and techniques allow a wide range of experiences through private sessions and small group sound bath meditations. I work with my sound therapy tools and their range of notes, harmonics, over and undertones, and resonance to create gentle waves of vibration for mind-body responses and deep, relaxing states for my clients.

What to expect during a vibrational sound therapy session. Sound therapy has profound effects on the body and the mind.

AWXW3831During a session, the client remains fully clothed and is never touched directly by the practitioner. Bowls are placed on the body, and/or around the body as the client lays comfortably on a padded, sturdy table during the vibrational sound therapy session.

Your session is above all a method of relaxation and most clients reach this state quickly, even during their first session.

VST combines a rhythm of powerful vibration, yet gentle sound to induce an immediate relaxed state. The introduction of sound waves directly into the body along with the soothing ambient tones of the bowls is such a strong modality that clients report effects ranging from meditative to deep relaxation.

Clients often have the desire to relax right after a session to allow the body to integrate energies that may be shifting within, or leaving the body. Drinking water and relaxing after a session allows the body and mind to process this energy. You will have an appropriate amount of time to regain your awareness, collect your thoughts and reflect on your experience.  You can extend the relaxation further by staying hydrated, avoiding heavy meals and avoiding strenuous activity after a VST session.

IMG_E7003[1].JPGI offer many ways for you to experience vibrational sound therapy through private sessions, pop-up sessions (in studio or off-site in natural settings), and semi-private sound baths. The VST method is strengthened by repeated application as your body grows used to the way the bowls feel and the mind knows that the sound of the bowls means it is time to relax.
DesertMoonVST LOGO gold bowl

Contact me to book your session. Click here for VST sessions & prices.


Image: Michelle Hedgecock, Bell Rock w/singing bowls (digitally altered photo)

Some of the information on this page is provided by the Vibrational Sound Association and is included here with permission. 

IMAGES by Erica Franzen, Michelle Hedgecock