Miserable One


Miserable One (Committee)

Miserable One (Committee suit). SoulCollage(R) card by M. Hedgecock. (click to enlarge)

Miserable One poem-card

This entry was published on January 28, 2015 at 9:22 AM. It’s filed under Poetry, SoulCollage® and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

6 thoughts on “Miserable One

  1. My miserable one has shown up recently as well 😉 I have to say, those girls are no fun.


    • Heather, there we go flying on the same plane again LOL! If you have a post about those girls, I’d love to read it, feel free to post link here ❤

      I enjoyed your monkey totem card, especially the way the tail came about in its literal meaning–very cool. When I discover all 7 of my animal totems as related to the chakras, I am inspired to make a totem card with all seven of my animals as you have done. I just love that idea and the idea of the card working its magic in my deck is a plan I am particularly drawn.

      Liked by 1 person

      • It’s been awhile since I made the totem pole card, but I think part of the reason was I had an easier time finding small images of my totem animals, vs. larger ones appropriate for a card of their own. The toad was a particular challenge 🙂 Frogs are everywhere … toads not so much! I remember that I had already found the monkey at the left of my card when I went to my first SoulCollage workshop, because I remember pulling it out and showing it to everyone (this is before I’d identified any of my animals). I loved & still love the expression on its face ❤


  2. Whoa…..a dark one for you! I like it.


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